Inspiring Animated Examples of Mobile UI Interactions

In UX design, mobile animations are an area of endless creative exploration as well as one of the hottest debates. Lets’ check out how functional animation may be smoothly and beautifully combined within an app interface and inspire.

Inspiring Animated Examples of Mobile UI Interactions 20
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UI Animations Examples

Animated elements should fit the very beginning of the user’s path planning. When designing animations, you need to consider their impact on app usage and desirability – and if you don’t see a positive effect, rethink your approach. Here’s an inspirations app examples compilation that will help you understand how the animated user interface should function beautifully to satisfy the user.

Finance App

1. Transition Animation

Transition animation adds style and elegance to the interaction process, moving from one screen to another smoothly. Here’s the transition set designed for a Duds app, where users customize their outfits to suit their goals and others. Navigating between motion-supported outfit snippets maintains a positive user experience, and ensures interaction.

2.Animated logos

The wise integration of branding into user interface design can go a long way in building brand awareness. In most cases, these are animations of logos, mascots, etc., which are often used effectively for welcome screens. In-app marketing animations are usually focused on drawing attention to the brand’s visuals. The animations are catchy and allow designers to add a strong emotional appeal, whatever the project.

3.Scroll Animation

Scrolling is one of the most typical interactions folks are used to in both web & mobile UI. Animation adds more beauty and elegance to the process, making it stylish, original, and harmonious. Keep in mind that scrolling can be applied in different directions, not only vertically, but also horizontally, both in an application or web design version.

4.Animated Notifications

Notifications are signs to draw the users’ attention to updates in an app or any other activity. Thanks to unobtrusive animation, notifications become even more visible and increase the chances that users will not miss important information and take certain actions.


Even with the basic navigation, mobile UI animation examples can add not only feedback but also enjoyment. Check out expandable button concept: with a pinch of movement, it can mimic a physical interaction with a jelly-like substance or any other awesome design element to make it engaging. Insert some awesome motion into the page design to draw the users’ attention:

6 Mobile-App UI Design Trends for 2022

Awesome mobile UI animations are great tools that help perform a specific function; entertainingly communicate information while providing activities that encourage the users to purchase or consider purchasing a particular brand product or service. There are UI animation trends that may improve depending on your project specifics and requirements.

Interactive 3D

Web designers are looking for new ways to keep the user’s interest in your video or mobile app and are increasingly using interactive 3D illustrations that can be interacted with. The trend is actively used in the field of e-commerce and allows the user to feel the product without even leaving home. Online fitting rooms are another great experience of interactive animated eCommerce UI. The functionality allows customers to design 3D models for outfit according to their figure, try things on virtually, create a stylish look and make a purchase safely, etc.

3D motion design

Static graphics have long ceased to amaze. Motion design has come to replace static and confidently holds its position. The characters and elements of the website come to life, move, and even more involve users in interacting with the digital content. With the help of animated 3D graphics, even non-existent 404 pages can be enhanced,

Unusual 3D design plays the role of a hook, attracts attention, and keeps the user on the website as long as possible. Instead of leaving the resource, the visitor may continue to explore the content and find what they want.


If you choose to use complex elements, it’s important to remember that the animation must work for your business good. Too many objects moving may distract from the main message on the app. That is why it is sometimes better to apply micro-animations to highlight the key elements of the app and encourage the user to take the desired action: fill out a form, subscribe, or purchase.


Unique authors’ graphics on the site or in the app design are a great way to make them original, create a special atmosphere, and attract the attention of users. Compared to photography, graphics can convey the brand concept much deeper. Abstract drawings, watercolor imitation, and characters illustrations in web design are limited only by the author’s imagination.

Calm color palette

Natural shades used in UI are a trend driven by the desire to escape stress, take a break from the fast-paced rhythm and enjoy the shades of nature or other soothing environments. The screen time has increased significantly. The trend makes it possible to comfortably spend time in the app without straining your eyesight. Subdued colors in design create a sense of calm, confidence, and security. It can be light gray, brown, and green shades, as well as darker, deep grey tones.

Minimalism and empty space

The essence of minimalism in mobile app animation is to prioritize what is important to your viewers. You may provide the user with an opportunity to take a break from the digital noise and concentrate on the most essential. White space improves the user interface, simplifies navigation and speeds up the loading time, which is especially true for online stores. To keep your site minimal, use a solid background, one or two accent colors, and large, clear font to convey a clear message.

After all, 53% of users will leave the site if it loads for more than three seconds.


Application designers should remember that above all the mobile animation must be functional. In other words, app animations should be created with a purpose in mind. Entertainment in animated apps is great, but secondary, though. In fact, animation in UI design is used to make it easier for the user to interact with an application’s interface. If you use animation wisely, your application will follow the latest trends in mobile design and, at the same time, stand out from the competition. When using animation in a mobile app, designers need to consider both the positive and negative impacts they can have when interacting with the app. Look for more inspiration animations from us in no time.

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