How to Analyze Your Video Analytics to Get The Best Results

Video content remains one of the key priorities for businesses worldwide regarding marketing campaigns and social media promotion. It’s an effective means of driving more engagement to your social pages, interactions with the audience, and, consequently, a good ROI.

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However, it’s not enough to shoot a random video without considering its outlook, optimization, and performance. While working with videos, it’s essential to monitor and analyze them, just like any other content. 

So, which video metrics do you need to track while sharing them on your social platforms, why is it vital for your business success, and which analytics tools work best? This article will cover all those questions. Also, we’ll share some of the most critical parameters for your video marketing campaigns. 

What are Video Analytics and Why They Matter

Video metrics and analytics comprise a list of measurable parameters showing how a particular video content performs over time. Also, you can compare them to other published videos, different periods (years, weeks, months), sources of traffic, and so on. There are many parameters you can keep track of. They help define particular tendencies, make assumptions, and redefine your content strategy if necessary.

Why else is video analytics so crucial for your business? Let’s look at some of the most prominent reasons.

Better Targeting

Videos work great for any business purpose — simply placing one on your landing page can increase conversion by over 86%! Likewise, video content in your promotional campaign will bring more engaged users to your product page, resulting in higher sales. So if you want to draw more potential customers to your website or service page, implementing videos is your go-to tactic. 

However, to drive better sales and conversion rates, you need to rely on video content analytics. This way, you will see whom you should target to boost sales. You’ll also know what videos work best if you want to bring more potential customers to your page and what is the conversion rate of your content.

Improved Personalization

Video content is highly customizable, especially when making interactive pieces. This way, you can target wider audiences within a single video. For instance, you can use branching or hotspots leading to different product groups or services you offer. It will help people find everything they need without extra effort. 

Video metrics can improve this experience and show you what elements appeal to your audience or which user segments interacted with your video the most. Thus, you can plan your future campaigns with a more precise focus on specific user groups. 

Understanding of the Current State of Things

Video performance metrics help you explore your marketing campaigns’ performance. In particular, you can gain the following insights: 

  • Is your view or engagement rate acceptable? 
  • Do you need to increase conversion rates? 
  • Does the return on investment (ROI) match your expectations? 

By accessing the key performance parameters, you can see the areas of improvement. And, with rapid technological advancement, you can even get specific tips on doing so. You can now use multiple tools to generate helpful recommendations on boosting your video metrics and conversion rates — all based solely on your published content. 

Most Essential Video Metrics — the Top List

Now that you know the importance of monitoring video engagement metrics, let’s see which ones are crucial for ensuring your business success and learning more about your online performance. 

Views or View Count

The view count provides the total number of users who’ve seen your clip. If you’re sharing videos across multiple platforms, you’ll notice that each measures the views differently. 

For instance, you get a view on YouTube if someone watches your video for 30 seconds. Meanwhile, on TikTok, a view counts right after you start playing the video. Twitter and LinkedIn share the same policy: you get a view if someone watches a video for two seconds with at least 50% of the video player on their screen.

The video view rate doesn’t affect your overall performance. But it shows whether your content engages users. So you need to make those first 2-30 seconds catchy enough to make a person watch the full thing. That’s the key advice for increasing your video views.

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Play Rate

If you need to analyze videos on a landing page, the play rate is the essential metric to start with. It shows how many people clicked “Play” to watch your video. Compared to auto-play videos, this parameter needs an action to count.

To calculate the play rate for a video, divide the number of people who clicked “Play” by the total number of users who visited the landing page. 

If you get low play rates, consider creating an eye-catching thumbnail or including a human face. Another thing you can do to boost this metric is to test your video’s location. It may be too far, too low, or even lost somewhere in the page’s main body. Try putting it higher as an introductory or an explainer piece. 

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This metric is similar to those you measure on any platform for your post. Engagement counts as an action taken on a publication, namely likes and comments. Sure, getting a lot of likes or reactions to your content is great. But it’s also necessary to know what type of comments they are, which can be not so flattering. 

However, this is a great way to explore how people react to your videos and whether they’re interested in your content. This kind of feedback will help you reconsider your future campaigns or, vice versa, focus on this type of video.

To improve your video’s engagement, consider looking at the target groups who watched and reacted to it more than others. They are the audience you’re craving for.

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Watch Time

Watch time shows the cumulative amount of time people spent watching your video, including replays. This metric helps you see if this piece of content is what people want to see. The longer the watch time, the better.

How to analyze a video watch time manually? Divide your clip’s total watch time by the total number of video plays along with replays. However, if you’re using a professional video analytics tool, you’ll also see the picking moments of your video, such as the points people watched the most. Thus, you’ll see what resonated with your audience in a particular video.

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Clicks and CTR

The number of clicks and the click-through rate (CTR) are among the essential KPIs you need to measure if you’re running a video ad campaign with a call-to-action (CTA). The fundamental purpose of such campaigns is to make people click on a CTA as many times as possible, as it leads them to your landing page.

To improve the CTR, you can test different formats of a call-to-action first. Then, ensure your video is engaging enough to encourage people to watch it untill the CTA appears on the screen. Finally, test the CTA itself — is it clickable, and does it lead people to the right page?

If you want to check your CTR, divide the total number of clicks you got from an ad by the number of times people watched it. 

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Conversion is among the significant metrics that show whether your video turned viewers into customers or leads. You can measure it automatically with the right analytics tools when running a video ad campaign. However, measuring conversion for an explainer video or an entertaining clip can get more complicated. Then, you’ll have to use tracking and UTM codes to see where it comes from.

Measuring conversion for your video ad campaigns is essential. It shows whether the clip was profitable and effective enough to drive sales. If you want to improve conversion with videos, try adding them to both landing and product pages. You can also launch high-quality digital ads, share recorded demos or webinars, and add tutorial videos once you get new leads or someone has made a purchase.

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Video Shares

Lastly, social shares are among the main goals to pursue. They increase your brand awareness and help you reach a wider audience, even if you didn’t target some specific groups. This way, you raise your chance of getting new potential leads — and better metrics for the video.

On most social platforms, like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, you can instantly see how many people shared your video within their network. But tracking shares from a product or landing page requires help from extra tools. However, any analytics tool will show you the total amount of social shares and the traffic’s source.

Note that you will likely get many video shares at the top of a sales funnel and much fewer of them once you reach the bottom. That’s not a bad thing, though. You get more quality leads, and ultimately, you’ll get multiple video shares from them regularly. To keep your audience engaged and active, constantly improve your content and come up with new entertaining, interactive ideas for future videos and ad campaigns.

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Video Analytics Tools to Consider

Now that you know how to get results from your video and which metrics to look at, let’s explore the tools that will get you there much faster. They will provide even more information than you’d get by measuring every parameter manually. We’ve gathered some of the most popular, efficient, and reliable video analytics tools you can use for your videos and marketing campaigns.


This is one of the top tools with a YouTube analytics extension for Chrome that provides real-time metrics. It also provides the necessary data and features to research the best topics for your YouTube channel. Besides, you’ll get a video creator tool and a detailed breakdown for any kind of parameter. In particular, these are the average age of videos, the top 20 videos on your channel, the average number of views, and more.

Facebook Insights

Facebook Insights is a native analytics tool that helps track your video performance and analyze the audience through this social channel. For video marketers, it’s a valuable source of information regarding user segmentation, engagement with published content, and real-time updates.   

YouTube Analytics

YouTube Analytics is a powerful platform providing plenty of data to define and redefine your video marketing strategy. Here, you can see the search terms people used to find your video, traffic sources, viewer demographics, and many other KPIs you may use to improve your content. On a platform with billions of daily views, you’ll need to keep an eye on the analytics to stay on track and compete well.

Final Thoughts

Metrics and analytics are essential for video marketers and entrepreneurs to see how your content performs now or compared to last year, last month, and so on. Measuring the effectiveness of the videos you share helps you define whether your content is successful and profitable. You also get to see if your audience is interested in your product and whether your videos are engaging for end users.

If you want to improve the quality and metrics of your video content, our team can help you out. We create engaging and interactive videos for social media that will raise interest in your product, generate quality leads, and improve the overall performance of your online publications. Contact us to make a difference!

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