Why We Don’t Trust Ads & How Animation Helps Build Customer Loyalty

Modern customers don’t trust ads. Just ask yourself whether you do. Likely, somebody inside will whisper the answer “no.” We perceive traditional advertising as the attempt to interfere in our personal lives with an intrusive pitch of products and services. We neither follow the link in the ad nor even listen to what this brand is saying. Today, businesses need to be uber-creative to draw the prospect’s attention and make people hear them.

How to break out through the digital noise? It’s the question bothering millions of startups, SMEs, and enterprises all over the globe. You might be surprised to hear the answer I suggest. It’s a cartoon. Yes, exactly. The fun and engaging animated story. 

Why Animation is Highly Effective in Modern Advertising

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Animation by Magda for Explain Ninja

Originated in the entertainment industry, animation offers customers an emotional appeal, first of all. Its second priority is to promote the company, products, or services. When watching the animated video, the first thing coming to mind is THE FUN. The second one is THE BRAND staying behind this fun. Different styles of animation for business bring emotional satisfaction and aesthetic pleasure to viewers. There is no obvious promotion. Or, even if it is present there, it’s not perceived as something as intrusive as in a traditional print ad or web banner.

There are five primary advantages of animation in digital advertising. Let’s consider them.

It’s a powerful attention grabber

It slows down the user’s scroll and helps your brand be heard. Animation works as a powerful attention-grabber. Animated commercials, somewhat reminding us about Disney movies, catch the viewer’s eye and make people listen to the brand message up to the last second of the video. 

Imagine a static banner somewhere on the web or in the Facebook news feed. Now, consider this static picture is animated and breathing with dynamics in the same spots on the Internet. What would sooner attract your attention, a static image or animation? The answer seems obvious.

It’s always original and creative

Animation presents a creative approach to online advertising by default. Drawn by real human hands and generated by the creative mind, the animation adds even more uniqueness and originality to the online brand image. Do you want to look like no one else? An animated video is likely what you need to set your company apart from the competition.

It offers entertainment and visual satisfaction

If you choose to advertise with animation, your promotion won’t feel obtrusive anymore. Like bees attracted by flowers, the audience is naturally appealed by the opportunity to get fun and entertainment. It adds extra extra-value to a brand, as we all need a laugh sometimes. Humor is one of the most powerful marketing practices. It’s the advertising classics that has been effective since time immemorial and till today.

It is equally effective for different audiences and age groups

No matter whether your customer is a kid or adult, male or female, doctor or lawyer, the animation will work for each of them. It is highly effective for different audiences regardless of the demographics. You just need to customize your animation for your target audience, choosing the right tone and mood for your explainer video.

How Animation Helps Build Customer Trust and Loyalty

Why We Don’t Trust Ads & How Animation Helps Build Customer Loyalty 21

Animation by Explain Ninja

Brands across different niches are struggling to get customer loyalty. It has become one of the most significant values in the modern business world. The reason is simple — people purchase from brands which they trust and build long-term relationships with them. Animated storytelling is one of the most powerful ways to establish customer loyalty. Here we consider why.

Animation doesn’t sell. It builds relationships

The power of the animation is in its ability to sell being unsalesy. Collaboratively with animated video production companies, brands create commercials and explainer videos that help them connect with a target audience at a personal level. Companies can gain customer loyalty taking an educational or entertaining approach to advertising.                                                                                        

It reminds us about carefree childhood 

We are humans. Most of us are easily affected by emotions, impressions, memories, and associations. Moreover, these psychological factors often drive our purchasing decisions, no matter if we want it or not. It just happens to us. Referring to the carefree childhood when we have been watching cartoons and eating ice-cream with other kids, animation evokes powerful associations, and the feeling of nostalgia. They make the viewer feel more loyal to the brand.Why We Don’t Trust Ads & How Animation Helps Build Customer Loyalty 22

Illustration by Dzmitry Kazak for Explain Ninja

The animation shows the brand cares about its customers

When the brand is trying to connect with people using animation, it reveals that it isn’t indifferent to what its customers feel and experience. The company doesn’t just pitch its products and services, but it creates a positive and exciting experience for its customers. The animation aims to evoke the customer’s positive emotions and raise the viewer’s mood. 

The animation demonstrates the brand has its own values

Forward-thinking brands create animated videos in which they promote their values, mission, and goals. It helps build a human connection with a target audience. People like to listen to the so-called Cinderella stories that start from the company’s foundation and describe the roadmap to success.

It makes the information easier to understand

Companies can use animated videos to transfer complicated information to customers more effectively. It allows breaking down concepts into more straightforward ideas depicted in scenes of the animated video. Animation turns a brand message into easy-to-understand content.

Animated videos drive the emotional response

Animation evokes the viewer’s emotions and feelings toward the story, heroes, environment, and music of the video. It allows companies to drive the audience’s reaction and build an unforgettable brand image in the online world.

Closing Thoughts

The animation is a versatile content type that empowers brands to create a positive first impression and build trust with their customers. It combines incompatible being unsalesy and effective for sales purposes at the same time. An animated video is a perfect marketing medium for connecting brands and their target audiences at a personal level. Hopefully, these insights will inspire you to consider the animation as a helpful practice and complementary part of your marketing strategy in the upcoming year.

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