6 Tips For Effective Animated Video Storytelling

Effective marketing is often based on creative storytelling. There is no need to make an unemotional promotional speech about product features and advantages of services. You can introduce them by converting your thoughts into an engaging story that unites brand culture, values, and style with a marketing message. It will breathe life into your marketing strategy. 

 “We are all storytellers. We all live in a network of stories. There isn’t a stronger connection between people than storytelling.” – Jimmy Neil Smith

An explainer video is a perfect tool for storytelling. Here our animated video production company will share the top six handy tips on how to produce a genuinely excellent storytelling video. 

Don’t Count Too Much on Sound

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Animation by Aslan Almukhambetov

It is a great lesson we can learn from the genius silent comic actors, like Charlie Chaplin. Do not rely too much on sound. People like the content with eyes, first of all. The importance of music and voice-over comes after the visual constituent of the video.

Use all the animation and illustration opportunities possible in order not to tell but to show your story. Don’t make your main character talk too much about a product. It would be better if he or she would explain how a product works or how to utilize it. Make your visuals as narrative as possible. Don’t overload viewers with unnecessary words.

Keep the Main Character in the Focus

Usually, the story is happening around the main character. This central personality should get all the viewer’s attention and focus. Make sure that the main hero is not lost among other decorations in the video. Emphasize his/her presence using various highlighting visual effects, make it stand out from other images. 

Focusing on a central character is critical because it usually symbolizes a brand and conveys all the company’s attributes, humor, and style. Make these essential elements easily noticeable in the animated video and recognizable by the viewer. 

Set the Right Mood

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Illustration by Dmitry Kazak

A scary story won’t be scary if you don’t create a specific atmosphere inside of your illustrations and motion design. Even the best script can become a real visual disaster if it does not have the right mood established. Use beautiful and distinctive illustrations, an appropriate background, sound effects, and character design that main the same mood and style. Let people easily understand the spirit of each scene. 

Setting the right visual atmosphere, you will be able to transfer the primary message more effectively.

Add Special Cartoony Effects to Spice Up Your Story

You may have an excellent script, beautifully designed illustrations and animation; however, one element that makes the video success is missed. For great storytelling, ou video may lack a pinch of spices – surprising, cartoony, fun, and eye-catching visual effects in animation.

The slight additional body micro-movements can even make the story look more engaging. The animation is the place where each detail matters as much as a significant element. Pay attention to details since they may make the video “tastier.”

Spinning, twisting, jumping, shaking, highlighting, and other fun and impressive visual effects can make your movie look like a real Hollywood blockbuster.

Make Smooth Transitions

Transition means the moment when one scene of the video changes into another one. Transitions animate the entry and exit of your scene. It seems to be the unnoticeable detail, but as we mentioned, details matter, particularly in explainer video production

The explainer animated video will look more appealing if you make the transitions between the scenes softer and add special effects. For example, you can use a fade effect and blur the picture when the next scene begins.

Use Anthropomorphism

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Illustration by Barbara Morrigan

Anthropomorphism is the attribution of human traits, emotions, or intentions to non-human creatures like animals or objects. Animalistic anthropomorphism is the most commonly used motion design practice. In this case, animated animals do not perform actions we used to see they do. They may behave like people, express emotions, walk, jump, talk, cry, etc. 

Animalistic anthropomorphism has become the trend today. If masterfully used, it can transform your animation into a fascinating story with a distinctive visual style that will help a brand to stand out. 


It is known that nearly 80% of the message is usually perceived visually. It means that marketers and entrepreneurs should pay particular attention to the visual presentation of a brand, products, and services. The best way to tell about your product is to do it, telling an exciting and engaging story.

The animated explainer video is one of the most effective ways for creative storytelling. All of us are like kids. We like to listen to stories. However, we like to watch them even more. Here our team has described the top 6 practices we usually use to make animated video-storytelling more immersive.

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